100 meters : Movie Review

Watched this inspiring Spanish film over the weekend on Netflix! 

100 meters is a based on a true story of a man named Ramon who is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. He is told that he will be able to even walk 100 meters in the next one year. Determined to prove this wrong, he takes up the challenge of doing the grueling Ironman race which involves 2.4 miles swimming, 112 miles biking and 26.2 miles running. 

With the help of his father in law with whom he initially shares a shaky relationship with, he begins to train relentlessly. Ramon faces challenges on the way and is almost pushed to the brink of being bed ridden. He overcomes every hurdle with grit and a positive frame of mind. It remains to be seen if he actually finishes the race. 

This movie struck a chord in many ways. A triathlon is not just a race-its a humbling journey which alters your life forever. The training period is especially a challenging one as it demands a lot out of you. The film showcases the importance of family support in achieving your goal. It also imparts a vital lesson of conditioning your mind-which is the biggest factor in helping you overcome any sort of challenge. If your mind is raring to do, the body has no choice but to obey. Factors like fear and self doubt is what cripples the mind more than anything. 

100 meters also delves into the depth of the characters. The father in law's journey as a former participant in tour de France is an endearing one. The shift in the rapport between Ramon and his father in law from a turbulent to a supportive one tugs the heartstrings-a clear emphasis that sometimes, support comes from an unlikely source.  You cheer for Ramon in every leg of the race. It definitely gives you the adrenaline rush to see him swim, bike and run. While he is running and falls down, words of encouragement given during his training sessions echo in his mind. In a triathlon race, there are times you may find yourself all alone, with no one to egg you on. Thats when your mind comes into play. 

100 meters is a fine depiction of defying odds and working your way up a goal that almost seems impossible to achieve. Its a delightful watch for every triathlete and for anyone else who aspires to spread their wings and touch the sky.  Highly recommend this one. 


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