The Lift Boy: Movie review

After watching Sir, I was just about to switch off the television, when I stumbled upon another movie. The Lift Boy looked interesting and the duration was just about an hour and forty seven minutes. 

The story chronicles the life of Raju-a carefree engineering student who has failed a particular paper four times. His father is an elevator operator in a posh apartment complex. When he gets a heart attack, Raju fills in for a while. After taking over the position of a lift boy, Raju encounters several people who change his life for the better. You have Mrs D Souza-a non nonsense old woman who has recently lost her husband. She treats Raju like a son and motivates him to pursue his dreams. You have Princess who is forced to join films by her mother. 

As the story progresses, you get to understand the dreams and aspirations of the various characters. It subtly brings out the classic case of parent vs child phenomenon when it comes to making a career choice. Something that resonates with almost everyone who has had a similar upbringing. This is apparent when Raju categorically states that his parents only recognize two professions-engineering and medicine. While his interest lies in literature that is evident when he ends up reading The Great Gatsby in the elevator. Writing as a profession is yet to be accepted in the society even in the year 2019 (which is when this film released). Another character that evokes sympathy is that of Princess's who us forced to live her mother's unfulfilled dreams of becoming an actress. 

There are several elements that unfold in the film-the unexpected act of kindness and its consequence, endearing friendships and professional aspirations. The city of Mumbai remains a silent character as it entices the viewers into the lives of the protagonists. There are moments which bring a smile to your face, and moments that evokes tears. Change is another theme that is touched upon here. You can't help warming up to the character of Raju with his quirky ways as he transforms from a happy go lucky boy to a responsible and mature man. 

This coming of age story melts the cockles of your heart. 

Its been almost two years since I visited Mumbai. Watching movies like Sir and The Lift Boy enabled me to experience the charm of the maximum city, at least on a virtual basis. Hopefully I get to see it in person this year. 


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