Kim Jiyoung, Born in 1982 :Book Review

Book Review

Title: Kim Jiyoung, Born in 1982
Author: Cho Nam-Joo
Genre: Translation (Korean)

Kim Jiyoung, Born in 1982 entails the psychological deterioration of Kim and the repercussions of growing up in a patriarchal society in Korea, in the 80s. 

The book introduces Kim's problem of exhibiting peculiar symptoms by impersonating other women-dead/ alive. Alarmed by her behaviour, her husband takes her to a Psychiatrist. The story delves into the formative years of Kim that highlights certain disturbing instances and atrocities. This includes her issues from being harassed in school buses, her relationships at university, the shoddy treatment at her workplace, marriage, taunted by relatives to motherhood and the challenges that come with it. 

The story is written in third person from the point of view of Kim and shifts to first person from the point of view of the Psychiatrist towards the end. The writing style is nothing fancy and a mix of fact and fiction. However, the provocative portrayal of misogyny, makes this book relatable and powerful. As the novel progresses, it mirrors the gender inequality and discrimination issues which causes a sense in despair in the protogonist.The character of Kim evokes empathy and anger as readers get into her interiority and her feelings of anguish. 

Kim Jiyoung can be interpreted as a collective rage of the feminist voice across the globe. It strikes a chord and touches a nerve with a subtle mention of the 'Me Too' movement. The story of Kim is perhaps the story of many woman who are enduring these prejudices in a silent and passive manner. One cannot help but marvel at the irony of how the world has progressed in may ways, yet remains rooted to the medieval times with regards to their attitude towards women. As a line from the book states, "The world has changed but customs and traditions remain the same." 


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