Book Review : Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Title: Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Genre: Fiction

Chronicle of a Death Foretold chronicles the journey of a man who is trying to get to the bottom of a murder that occurred in a village several years ago. 

A wealthy ranch owner named Santiago is stabbed to death by two brothers who want to avenge their sister's honor. Their newly wed sister Angela is returned to her family in disgrace by her husband Bayardo Sa Roman. When her family compels her to name her lover, she utters Santiago's name. On the day of the murder, the two brothers make no attempt to hide their intention and arm themselves with butcher's knives. It remains to be seen why no one in the village intervened to tried to stop the murder. 

The nonlinear narrative is told in first person, partly in an investigative journalistic style and partly in a lyrical one. As seen in his earlier works, the elements of magical realism make an appearance through dreams, omens and movements of nature. The author delves deep into the backstory of the characters as he establishes the collective responsibility of the villagers towards the crime. While its evident who the muderers are, the actual mystery lies in Angela's motive about letting out Santiago's name. Was she trying to shield another man in the process? 

Themes of honor and gender are touched upon here. The author manages to exhibit the complexity of human nature. Clearly the contempt and disgust is apparent in the narrator's tone, as he narrates the sequences that led to this barbaric crime. He is clearly ashamed of a community that was unable to shield a man from the jaws of death. 

Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a gripping narrative that makes you wrack your grey cells.  No doubt, this is a brilliantly weaved tale, exhibiting the wonderful storytelling abilities of an author like Marquez. 


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