Letter from the Elephant

Letter from the Elephant

I was respected and loved
That’s what I thought
Little did I realize
I would get caught

In dignity I would walk
Holding my head high
With an occasional trumpet
For human attention I would vie

Within me I was carrying
A little life of my own
A calf that was unborn
Whom I would never know.

My trust in humans
Was so deep and blind
They fruit that they fed
Shattered my mouth and mind

How cruel can they be
What pleasure do they gain
I was just a gentle giant
Now I feel immense pain

Carrying them on my back
I thought I was a friend
What did I do to deserve
Such a brutal end?

Learn to be compassionate
Learn to be kind
Somehow in this world
Humanity got left behind!


KParthasarathi said…
I have no words to express my anguish and pain at the brutality this majestic animal suffered in the hands of perverts.It is somewhat the same amount of sorrow I felt when I heard of mindless murders of a hapless Nirbhaya or unarmed black for no fault of theirs.
A touching poem.

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