F.R.I.E.N.D.S: The reunion: A walk down memory lane

There was a time in my life when I'd be glued to the television on Monday evenings, watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S.  Not being a TV person, this was probably one of the few sitcom series that grabbed my undivided attention, besides Full House and Mind Your Language. And there wasn't a single episode that didn't evoke a chuckle. What with those funny and witty one liners, antics by the characters and the expressions on their faces! Just watching these actors on screen would drive those blues away. I was in my first year of College, trying to find my feet, new friends and studying a new subject. The inevitable stress set in and I'd often find solace immersing myself in this world of six people and their complicated lives.  

It was a walk down memory lane when I watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S: The reunion on HBO the other day.  The main cast got together, reminisced their experiences and the bond they formed over the years. It was heartening to see them seated in front of the fountain where the introduction song was filmed. It was nice to hear them read out dialogues and enact the scenes from various episodes. The one where everybody finds out was especially funny. It was also nice to hear testimonials from actors who made brief appearances in the movie like Reese Witherspoon. And from viewers across the globe on how this series touched their lives in many ways. There were people who were devoid of friends in their lives and found solace in these characters. 

17 years! As cliched as it may sound, time really flies. It only feels like yesterday when I'd be sitting in the comfort of my room, watching this sitcom and my mother knocking on the door to say dinner was ready. So much has changed since then-cities, countries, my profession, friends, my personality, lifestyle, appearance and my relationship status. I am not even sure what it would be like to meet friends from that era in my life today especially since I am nothing like the person they knew. 

After watching this emotional reunion, I was compelled to watch a rerun of some of those episodes. And it evoked a smile and laughter just like it did in my 20s. I enter my 40th year end of this month, so it feels good to watch something that tickles my funny bone, considering some of my recent readings for my thesis revolved around trauma and intense subjects. 


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