Pray for Australia

When you look beyond the world of triathlons and running, there exists a world that is sadly in flames today.

Been following the news of the raging bushfires in Australia. It's heart wrenching to see several homes and lives snatched away by nature’s fury. The heartbreaking images of the poor koalas and kangaroos brought tears to my eyes. What must they be thinking seeing the fiery red flames engulf their habitat and homes? We as humans dial for a fire brigade and these poor souls can't even do that except hug their close ones in fright and terror.


500 million animals have lost their lives. The sky is a fiery orange and air so polluted.

Apparently the effect of the fires have had a spill over effect on its neighbors. Makes me wonder about nature's fury. Year after year, summers are getting hotter and there are untimely rains. In short, its the effect of the infamous global warming. 

These bushfires remind me of California's wildfires that occur every year around October-November. Every time I see, read or hear about a nation devastated by nature's fury, I can only watch with helplessness. Today is one of those days that makes me wish I had some sort of magical powers that could put those fires away and save those poor creatures. However all that I can do is be at God's mercy and pray sincerely for the effected areas. 

I had an opportunity to visit Australia back in 2013 and have some beautiful memories of my vacation. Feel miserable to see many places reduced to smoke and ashes.

I have often been told about the power of prayers. Today I hope and pray the nature's fury subsides and for the rains  arrive soon to extinguish those deadly bush fires. 

Oz Land-my sincere prayers and may you be restored to normalcy .



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