Recurring terror?
-By Swetha Amit 26/7: A day which could have been just another date on the yearly calendar in any other circumstance. Yet it chose to ring fatal bells that echo in the ears of people even today. What could have ideally been a birthday celebration of many has ironically turned out to be the death anniversaries of several of our fellow humans. The two forms of terror have mercilessly enticed away numerous lives leaving us pining for our beloved ones. The unforgettable ferocity of nature which took a fatal turn in Mumbai 26/7 2005 has indeed left millions in a jolt. The unpredictable stance of the monsoons and the inability to control such natural forces has reduced us to helpless beings that can only clasp our hands in prayer. However it is the other form of man made masked terror that makes us ponder and wonder about the barbaric stance adopted and at what cost. No sooner did people have tim...