
Showing posts from February, 2010

Bookworm bytes

Reading not only rejuvenates the mind but also transports you into a different world on a temporary basis. At times the literary characters appear real that one tends to get involved in the same only to realize how much time has flown. These characters can create a sense of sympathy, like or dislike among the readers depending on their attributes. Different books give a varied perspective but nevertheless not without a learning experience from its work of fiction. Keeping a track of books I've been reading off late. Not only does it calm my mind but also helps me forget my worries for a while. The Palace of Illusions -Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni: It brings back the Mahabharath from Draupadi's characters which made me look at this Indian epic in different light. One hundred shades of white-Preethi Nair: A complex story which exhibits a rather disturbing truth concealed to protect ones loved ones until its thrown back on to the same after years have passed. Nothing seems real as...

Under the sea

Swimming deftly in schools, the colourful species seemed to exist in a world of their own. Yet they didn’t appear lost to an extent where they failed to recognize a masked stranger in their abode. They were probably used to seeing the cylinder hooked species with false fins occasionally haunting their aquatic town. However it still didn’t deter them from that initial reaction of being startled or wary. Reassurance by merely admiring them from a safe distance through a series of bubbles gradually instilled the confidence in them to get used to us visitors. As we wandered about in the world of corals and vertebrates, it was indeed hard to break away from this enchanting spell cast upon us as the pressure gauge often nudged to us the time limit underwater. No sooner did we get to know the water folk than it was time to ascend to the surface. They were immersed in their own bustling activities not paying heed so much as we bid farewell to this mesmerizing marine world. It almost felt like...