Book review: Haunted

Title: Haunted 
Authors: Jay Alani/ Neil D Silva

There exists a world that is beyond our realm of logical reasoning. A paranormal world where spirits of the dead linger. Some may dismiss it as an old wives tale while those who have had such personal experiences can vouch for their existence.

Haunted is one such book that describes the real life chilling encounters of paranormal investigator- Jay Alani.

His stories take you through the remote lands of Rajasthan, fallen mines, an eerie experience in his hostel, deadly forests, haunted houses in the garden city, villages where black magic and exorcism are the only way of life.

Written in a gripping and compelling manner, every story evokes terror and a chill down the spine. The author also offers a scientific method that enables to find out the existence of spirits.

Haunted is bound to be enjoyed by those who have a penchant for horror. Intriguing and fearful, it’s certainly not meant for the faint hearted .


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