World book day

Read a book and life will never be the same again. Books are not only your great companions but also transport you to a different world altogether. 

During this quarantine period especially, some of the above titles kept me company. Sitting on my armchair, I have managed to solve mysteries, meet interesting characters, travel to Thula Thula amidst the African Wilderness and run virtual marathons and revisit some stories. 

Thanks to my profession as a journalist where I interview authors, I get to read a wide range of genres. My creative writing courses have also propelled me to explore different titles and authors. Hardly a day goes by when I don't read. There are days when I am buried inside book for hours together, forgetting folks around me. 

"You read so much. How come?" asked someone the other day. 

Partly because of my profession and my courses, I say. Of course it goes much deeper than that. Having been an only child, books have always managed to keep those lonely spells at bay. All I had to do was pick up a title. I would either fall down rabbit hole or be whisked away to the land of Oz. Or I would be solving mysteries or meeting interesting families. 

Of course, I do not watch much television. Not big on TV series even if it makes me feel like social outcaste. Some good movies or sports are all that I watch on small screen. I am happy delving deep into the world of words and quirky characters.

Meanwhile Happy World Book Day everyone! Keep reading. As Walt Disney has said, there is more treasure in books than there is in a pirate's cove. 


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