Book Review : A lonely harvest

Title: A lonely Harvest
Author: Perumal Murugan
Genre: Fiction/Translation

A lonely harvest is one of the sequels to the author’s  previous book titled One part woman. It’s the story of a childless couple whose love is tested against the taunts of the villagers. It ends with the male Protagonist Kali killing himself in anguish after learning that his wife Ponna had visited the annual chariot festival. 

Ponna is shattered that Kali has abandoned her in this manner. Kali continues to haunt her mind as she learns to survive on her own. An unexpected discovery helps Poona find a purpose in her life. 

The author in his inimitable and brazen style takes us to a different world altogether. A world of incessant wagging tongues, family disputes, complex dynamics, queer practices and beliefs. He also manages to subtly touch upon themes of suicide and the super natural world. 

The book showcases a silent fight by women against a patriarchal society and its stringent rules. It also gives a strong message about dealing with loss and the importance of gathering strength to survive alone in this world. 

Morbid yet powerful and hard hitting, The lonely harvest is a well weaved honest tale about the double standards of a society and those affected by it. 


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