A time traveler’s life

-By Swetha Amit
“Good job. I trust that this presentation will go well with the clients. Good luck in your venture Saahil.” The words acted as a stimulant like his morning cup of tea which would jolt him out of his lethargic mode of the morning daze. Nothing like your boss’s encouraging statement which feels like you have emerged as a winner even before the job is done.
The last five years since he moved to a new city spelt a different him as his growth spurt shot up like Jack’s beanstalk. As he packed his bags to go catch his flight to his hometown, thoughts reflected to and fro between his past and his present. After his graduation he migrated to a new city to start afresh. Indeed it had turned out to have been a lucky charm in terms of his career and his personal life as well. So much had happened that he viewed life in an entirely different light unlike the starry picture he had back then in his early twenties. It hadn’t been a bed of roses but didn’t have him harnessing bitterness unlike in his earlier residential forte.
He wasn’t looking forward to going back there even if it was for only two weeks, but didn’t dare to defy professional commitments. It was a place that consisted of his past he would rather forget. He had hardly visited the place in the last few years except for a day or two due to family compulsions. Everything about it disgusted him, its people, attitude, and especially his experiences which almost marred his self esteem. It was strange that a hometown which usually sends pangs of nostalgic memories seemed to evoke mental anguish.
As soon as he landed, he began to count the days when he would soon board the flight back to where he belonged. It was 14 days of perseverance which would make him move one step ahead in the curve of his career.
Work seemed to be progressing well as no signs of deviation occurred in the original plan that cropped up after hours of brainstorming. He began to find evenings relatively free accompanied with boredom on missing his usual social outings with his better half/friends. Parents seemed busy with their family business which landed them with a crunch on the time factor for him. Unable to take it any longer and after a lot of deliberation, he decided to revive his old contacts. What has he got to lose he thought as he punched the numbers furiously with his pounding heart acting as a background score.
Hesitation began to creep in as the ringing tone went on forever. Finally after a heavy sigh, he disconnected the line as he looked out into the darkness of the strangely still night. Would five years have changed anything? A sarcastic jibe/mocking response was the last thing he needed which was sure to cause a dent in his new found persona. The sudden vibration of his mobile jolted him out of his thoughts as an eager voice with an unbelievable note greeted him on the other end. After a fifteen minute conversation a reunion was finally decided upon in a few days with his college buddies.
He was relieved and anxious at the same time. After a lot of contemplation, he decided to tackle the bull by its horns. He had weathered severe storms in his professional life which wasn’t impossible in his social aspect especially when he would be away from it all in just a few days. As he entered the eating joint, he encountered a sudden rush of those days as immature brats hanging around with idealistic views on life. He met the same but this time little did he realize that he would be taken by surprise. Each one of them had matured drastically. What a change from the hyper and impish behaviour to that of a subdued and calm aura they depicted. However the expressions nevertheless portrayed that of a pleasing one on seeing their long lost friend.
A smooth flow of conversation followed about life in general, work and global issues. None of the skeletons from the closet were dug out and grudges were clearly left behind with a strong seal. He was reminded of the saying “too much water has flown under the bridge”. Sure it had in the past such that a construction of a dam would obviously be perceived only by those living in a fool’s paradise. Yet it appeared that impurities of the seven deadly sins had been washed away along with the dirty liquid mass only to be replaced with a crystal clear flow following a different course in direction. After an animated outing, he suddenly felt a burden off his shoulders as he realized on how glad he was for having made that call. As he glanced one last time at the city before boarding the plane, he fathomed that though the city hadn’t changed drastically, his experience sure had.
Often a sour experience can deter one from going to a certain place as a shield to protect them from reminders of a bitter past. That which keeps haunting their peace of mind on an eternal basis. However one fails to realize that there exists a possibility of recreating sweeter memories in the same place with a little amount of courage and determination which could put bitterness to shame. While traversing through time, one needs to realize that the past is a reflect of what not to do in the future and clinging on to it would mean embracing the garland of pain altogether. Deciding to let go eases the flight of the journey and enables one to look back after a few years at a past full of pleasant images instead of ugliness.
While time may be known to cause pain and confusion, one cannot ignore the clichéd saying of the same being the best healer and teacher.
Written for www.msn.co.in
a brilliant post.What remained at the end of reading the story is the admiration for the ease with which you write in lilting prose leaving the reader to yearn for more.Truly you are agifted writer.
KP - Chennai on 1/16/2009 5:36:18 PM
Sweta you have summarised the essence inthe words "......though the city hadn’t changed drastically, his experience sure had." A gripping writeup which everyone can relate to written in delectable manner as always. Thanks
Swetha, An excellent one this time too!
good post. a very good post sweta.