Retracing 2019 and Ushering in 2020

" All endings are also beginnings, we just don't know it at that time. " A quote from one of my favorite books 'The Five People you meet in heaven' by Mitch Albom. Its just a day left before we bid goodbye to 2019. As I look back at this year, its had its usual share of ups and downs. On the positive side, there has been a lot of learning, a few unexpected surprises and some new ventures. On the downside, there were issues with health, lot of confusion and self doubts coupled with the inevitable stress. January: After toying with ideas for a year, I finally decided on the book that I wanted to write. It was about my journey to Ironman 70.3. This gave me a sense of purpose and direction as to where I was headed with regards to my writing. The creative writing classes at Stanford helped me immensely and I received some constructive feedback about my chapters in my manuscript. Started my year with a magical half marathon at Disney world in Or...