Rain rash

-By Swetha Amit http://content.msn.co.in/MSNContribute/Story.aspx?PageID=4f4c3201-4b8e-4450-ab81-31413d2d5171 Nature is known to have its dark side as well. The recent spells of showers in the maximum city has provided a stage which has proved the enactment of the monsoon melodrama in a negative role. This is no mystery to millions that it’s been raining cats and dogs for the past one week. The harshness of these stormy spells has extended up to places like Andhra Pradesh and Kerala, apart from Maharashtra. The low lying areas are reported to have submerged under water. The fast- paced city is forcibly coming to a sluggish movement. It has once again managed to bring a standstill to the bustling activities, affecting the road, rail and air traffic in the process. The lashings have ruthlessly plundered innocent lives and the baffled individuals are helplessly trapped between the devil and the deep sea situation on a literal basis. These alarming conditions in Mumbai have begun to ring a...