Sayonara 2006

So long farewell...its time to say goodbye.It just feels like it was the beginning of 2006. And now the yearly journey has come to an end.Like other years,'06 too provided a roller coaster ride,just like the pathway of life's travel.Encounters with good and bad experiences have proved to be lessons done as a diploma course. This enables us to possess a greater degree of strength,courage and confidence which are needed to face the tougher examinations that are just around the corner. Looking back from the cold winter days of January through the sunny days of March to the scorching heat of May-June,the monsoons in July- August and back to the chilly month of December,seems like glancing through our childhood photo albums to our present day pictures.A year which seems like just 365 days.Yet, the numerous events and changes equalizes this period,close to a unique era of its own. Walking down the memory lane brings back certain instances, that can be viewed with a happy note and oth...